Animation, CGI, Characters Electric Art Animation, CGI, Characters Electric Art

CEA Robots

CEA Launch Animation


CEA Robots

When Electric Art merged with Cream Studios in 2017, we created two rigged CGI robot characters to represent each studio and a suite of animations and stills for website and marketing purposes.

Four supercharged years later we each went our separate ways. We still have a soft spot for these cute little characters, particulary the animation of the robots in the shed.


CGI & Compositing:
Electric Art
Concept: Pete Commins
Director of Photography: Michael Corridore
Soundtrack: Michael Corridore
Sound Design: Pete Kneser
Thank you Marie Gow for sharing your shed.

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Retouching, Healthcare, Characters Electric Art Retouching, Healthcare, Characters Electric Art

New York Times Old Babies


New York Times Old Babies

It was a pleasure to work with photographer Zachary Scott on these gorgeous images for The NY Times magazine feature on reverse ageing & mind/body connection. Zack & his team turned these cute little kids & toddlers into octogenarians, using a blend of FX prosthetics, make-up & post production.


Photographer:  Zachary Scott @ Sharpe + Associates
Executive Photography Producer:  Megan Sluiter
Photography Producer:  Eniko Perhacs
Photo Editor:  Joanna Milter @ The New York Times

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EA was briefed to create a hyper-realistic & magical environment in 3D. We were also required to create an engaging little character as part of the scene. The sky was sourced from our EA Image Library. We experimented with various lighting scenarios until we found our happy place!


Agency: Ursa Clemenger Sydney
Creative: Helen Shortis
Agency Producer: Karen Pereira

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